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Jun 27, 2016 – Florida

A minor, non-substantive technical amendment to Florida’s administrative rule governing a Notary’s electronic signature clarifies that NIST Special Publication 800-64 version 1.0.2 is incorporated by reference into the rule and updates the URL where the document may be found.


FL Administrative Rules (2016)


State: Florida

Effective: June 27, 2016


An amended rule makes a technical change to Florida’s administrative rule on the Notary’s electronic signature.


Section 1N-5.002 of the Florida Administrative Code.


  1. Clarifies that U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-63 (NIST800-63), Electronic Authentication Guideline Version 1.0.2., to which any public key certificate or electronic Notary system used by a Notary to create an electronic Notary signature must conform, is incorporated by reference in Rule 1N-5.002.
  2. Updates the URL for NIST Special Publication 800-63 (NIST800-63), Electronic Authentication Guideline Version 1.0.2.


A minor, non-substantive technical amendment to Florida’s administrative rule governing a Notary’s electronic signature clarifies that NIST Special Publication 800-64 version 1.0.2 is incorporated by reference into the rule and updates the URL where the document may be found.


Read the adopted administrative rule.